Sunday, October 5, 2008

War, Customs, and, Traditions

The Oneida Tribe is part of the Iroquois Confederacy. The Oneida means ''people of the standing stone''. The Oneidas have a population of approximently 100,000 people. Their languages include English and Onyota'aka. The religions consists of kai'hwi'io, kanoh'hon'io, Christianity, longhouse, handsome lake, etc. They do inbrace other cultures but have their own as well.
During The American Revolution the Oneidas tried to stay neutral, while The Mohawks, Senecas, Cayugas, and Onondagas joined forces with the British. For some time they could maintain this but there came a point where they had to choose a side. The Oneidas were closer to the colonists so they thought it was in there best interest to keep their families safe by, siding with the ones that were closer. The Oneidas were used as scouts and were sent to detect enemy operations.
In 1777 almost 50 Oneidas fought beside the colonists in war. Even though the Oneidas took the colonists side some still sided with the British. As the was went on that number increased rapidly. In 1794 after the war ended the Oneidas signed the Treaty of Canandagua. This stated that the Oneidas were entitled to 6 million acres of land Then New York State decreased it drastically to 32 acres of land. On this land the Oneidas could do what eve the wanted. Here their customs and traditions could be exposed on their land.
The Great Law of the Iroquois states all the people in a certain clan are all relatives. There are 4 clans that consists of the Turtle Clan, The Wolf Clan, The Bear, and The Eagle . The Wolf Clan is known as the guider of people to live by the way the Creator wants them to live. The Bear Clan is known to be the caretaker of earth's medicine. The Turtle is known to look after the environment. It is told the earth is on a turtle's back and the turtle controls the shifting of the earth/the cycle of the moon.The eagle is knowledge and pride. It keeps a watchful and protective eye on them. A tale says that everything you say and do will affect the next 7 generations.

Oneida people today are biligual and can speak their native language and other languages. The Oneidas are trying to perserve their langauge so it doesn't die out. They try to keep their children speaking the langauage because in the past years the langauge is dying out. The Oneidas have a numerous amount lof jobs in their area. They have approximently 5,000 jobs on the reserve in Wisconsin. Today there are only 2 reserves left for the Oneidas which include 1 in New York and 1 in Wisconsin. Some other Oneidas live on The Six Nation Reserve which is shared among other members of the Iroqouis Confederancy. Kids on the Oneida Reserve are kids just like me and you. They enjoy hunting, fishing, and playing lacrosse.


Javier Del Rosario said...
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Breana Singh said...

niicee pagee =]

--breana [:

MREiD127 said...

lauraa !!! niicee pagee guud job said...

Great job on the page Laura. Your extras were helpful and your essay is well done. Next time don't forget to add a conclusion. Excellent job overall!


halley24 said...

Its pretty.